I know it has been quite some time since I lasted posted. This year, I had plans on primarily doing road trips across the United States. Unfortunately, my plans changed due to COVID-19. Despite the change of plans, I am so glad everyone seems to be doing well. COVID-19 was something so unexpected and we will get through all of this together. I found myself binge watching Grey’s Anatomy and indulging in lots of sweets during quarantine.

After staying in for so long, I decided to go on a random day trip some where. That week, New York was in phase two so I was able to access public parks but was required to wear a face mask. Then I suddenly realized, Niagara Falls! I have been wanting to go for years but I never had the time to go. Niagara Falls was about a two and a half drive for me and I enjoyed every minute of it.
I stayed at Seneca Falls Casino and resort. It was really nice.

This is a photo of one of the views of the waterfall. It is so beautiful and I recommend visiting Niagara Falls! It took me about two hours to walk the entire park. Parking was free and there are plenty of dining places around (I was unable to Dine due to COVID-19).