Thinking about booking a trip with Amtrak? Perhaps this is your first train ride and is not sure if you should book a coach or business. Well, here are some reasons why I think the upgrade is worth it!
You all know, I take Amtrak quite a lot. Well, I typically book my train ticket last minute (literally the same day) so I am always stuck with Coach (economy) seats. Recently, I booked a six-hour train ride last minute and managed to see one seat available in business class! Looking to get some sleep and not be woken up by noise? Business-class is the way to go! It was a $70 difference from Coach and let me tell you, IT IS WORTH IT!

-Board first! You’re able to jump the line and get seated faster! The coach is seated last. Business is typically located in the front of the train (The business class attendant will show you).
-Up to an extra 10 inches of legroom
-Cabin quiet and you are not woken up by conductor announcements (In coach you hear all of the announcements). An attendant will wake you up when it is your stop.
-Overall space! It is much smaller in the business class car! It was so quiet and peaceful! When I sit in Coach, non stop phone convo’s, noise, children crying, etc. Now, this does not happen all the time but lately, it has been!
-Blanket and pillow are given to you, which I thought was a nice touch! I was not expecting this and thought this made it ultimately worth the upgrade!

I can tell you from experience, the pros outweigh the cons! If you have a long trip, the extra legroom comes in handy! Coach is not bad, considering that the seats and legroom are quite generous, but Business has fewer seats and overall more quiet. I had a wonderful experience with Business Class and I will be booking it in the future!